..Enrico Fagone performs with amazing bravura and great sensitivity of the musical breath,
albeit in keeping with a sobriety devoid of any exhibitionistic tone of complacency and with a self-possessed mastery of his role:
the blaze of virtuosity is fully disclosed as a function of a crystal-clear thought in music…

Cesare Fertonani, “AMADEUS” 08/2011

Fagone is a soloist of the highest order,
yet he never lets the virtuosity of the solo part detract from the operatic;
this is an emotive performance where the bass line
never loses its inherent drama,
so that when he lets fly with sixteenths passage leading
to the firs movement cadenza,
it’s an electrifying surge.

Rob Nairn, "ISB MAGAZINE" 02/2013

.. Nice Cd devoted to the “Paganini of the double bass”..
..Excellent young performers ..

Giancarlo Cerisola , “CLASSIC VOICE” 08/2011
G.Bottesini “Passione Amorosa”
  1. 1. G.Bottesini “Passione Amorosa”

..In Giovanni Bottesini duets’ CD, solo players not only master their musical pieces with stunning brightness but also seem to be delighted at doing it..

Angelo Foletto , “SUONARE NEWS ” 05/2011

..the CD’s program opens up with the Secondo Concerto for double bass and orchestra,
performed with extreme beauty of sound and intonation by the solo player Enrico Fagone..]
 [.. The impeccability of the technical quality of his performance being unquestionable, what really amazes is the great musical quality of his masterly interpretation..

Riccardo Cassani, “MUSICA ” 05/2011

..A remarkable part of Bottesini’s production, devoted to the double bass, has been recently collected in a CD by Stradivarius, entitled “Duets”: here, the double bass was granted the role of solo player, or co-protagonist, in duet performance with the violin or the clarinet.]
[..As far as the performers of this CD are concerned, the lion’s share was bestowed to the excellent double bass player Enrico Fagone,
a great virtuoso of this musical instrument and a musician endowed with utmost versatility..

Marco del Vaglio, “CRITICA CLASSICA ” 04/2011

…The world’s greatest double bass virtuoso of the 19th century,
G.Bottesini composed a series of the most incredibly difficult work for his instrument
to demonstrate his vast superiority to all of those around him.
Today they remain a massive challenge, on that Enrico Fagone,
principal double bass of the Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana,
tackles head on, displaying an agility on the fingerboard
that deals comfortably with the fiendishly difficult outer movements of the B minor Concerto…

David Danton, “THE STRAD ” 06/2011

…Pertanto, chi affronta la musica di Bottesini deve cimentarsi, oltre che con l’evidente difficoltà tecnica –
salti di corda, armonici semplici e doppi, suoni flautati, arpeggi ostici, e quant’altro, frutto anche di un giovanile studio del violino , anche con la cantabilità, i fraseggi e gli
scenari del melodramma, soprattutto italiano.
Enrico Fagone risolve, chissà quanto istintivamente e quanto scientemente, questo problema,affidando al proprio
strumento (un contrabbasso “a pera” del liutaio Pietro Pallotta), una duttilità e permeabilità che gli consentono di produrre sia acrobatici volteggi (come in conclusione dell’Allegro Moderato
del Secondo Concerto), sia languidi o melanconici motivi d’impronta vocale…

Massimo Primignani, “ARCHI MAGAZINE” 9-10/2011

..Charming double bass classical music, it would be senseless not to enjoy the extreme pleasure given by these music pieces and performers:
three first-class solo players, Enrico Fagone the double bass, Walter Zagato the violin, Corrado Giuffredi the clarinet,
a glamorous orchestra and an alluring conduct. This is a refined, amusing and unmissable CD.

Diana Leva, “MUSICA e DISCHI ” 04/2011

…Il Suono magnifico, godibile in leggerezza e altrettanto pronto a lasciarsi
scavare nella naturalezza del suo affilato,
Il Cd edito Stradivarius dedicato al Bottesini camerista
in cui l’arco maestoso di Enrico Fagone trascina l’orchestra
e il Direttore nel Concerto in si minore,
poi il clarinetto e infine il violino…
Perfetto ritratto di un’Italia d’antan su cui poggia intero il nostro sentire musicale…

" IL CITTADINO" 13/07/ 2011

…Ottimo il contrabbassista Enrico Fagone,
abile tanto nel virtuosismo quanto nella seducente cantabilità.
Ottiene dal suo strumento magiche atmosfere
grazie alle preziose sonorità che si avvicinano molto a quelle del violoncello,
creando particolari situazioni timbriche.
Il suo suono è estasiante. ..

"La Società dei Concerti" , "IL PUNGOLO" 01/04/012

..Il Bottesini dei giorni nostri si chiama Enrico Fagone…

"La Provincia", "PIU DISCHI" 05 / 05 / 2012